Ready to join the Conklin team?

There are 2 enrollment options to get started with Conklin!

Standard Contractor

  • Conklin Roofing Systems training credit
  • Be able to buy all the Conklin products at wholesale prices and do commercial roofing projects. No additional extra discount on roofing materials. 

Price $999

Best Deal!

Premier Contractor

  • Conklin Roofing Systems training credit 
  • Be able to buy all Conklin products at wholesale price plus 3% additional discount on materials after attendance of Conklin Business Seminar and metal roofing systems training. 

Price $1,399

Let's do this!

The easiest way is to fill out the online form below. 

We will be in touch for the payment information and to help you get your account setup.

If you have any issues or questions just call Superior Commercial Roofers at 814-573-7656

Option 1: Fill Out the Form Below 


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